Revivus: The Summer Event

Southern California's Premiere Christian Music Festival


Posted by on Jun 21, 2015

11183468_10203205717983683_4343645335220578787_nHappy Father’s Day from the entire Revivus team! The following picture is of some of the dads that have made Revivus possible. Thank you, we love you and most importantly, our Father in Heaven loves you!

While not every person has a dad that has stuck by them and been there for them, know that you do have a Father in Heaven who will never leave you nor forsake you. The Bible says in John 1:12 “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God”. If you receive Christ as Lord and Savior, He is your Father, you are His child. If your father here on Earth is yet to know his Father in Heaven, don’t give up, get prayed up. Share with your earthly father the love that your Heavenly Father has bestowed upon you. Love him, honor him and point him to the Savior.

May God richly bless you on this wonderful Father’s Day!

In His Service,

The Team at Revivus